Friday, April 23, 2010

No Title Required

I have been trying to wrap my brain around something that was said to me by someone I love.. Have you ever had one of those moments where something just clicked.... a light went off.. you "got it".... This morning was one of those moments for me and I can finally let go of trying to "understand" what was said....

THE PAST IS THE PAST... You can not relive it.... it is what it was... enjoy the memories, embrase the good and learn from the bad.

THE CURRENT...Is exactly that.. live in it... it is what it is... love what you have and where you are... wake up each day as if it was your last.

THE FUTURE... Is not here... it is what may never be.... it is a time that may never come.

Live for today... stop living in the past and do not put off the future...

Stop wishing it to be like it was... Make today be it is what it is.... and be grateful for the time you have...

before it is to late.
